CANCELLED February 13, 2025 Membership Meeting
The February 13, 2025 Ingham County Genealogical Society's membership meeting has been cancelled.
Our mailing address.
Ingham County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 283
Dimondale, MI 48821
Officers Installed at December Meeting
.jpg) On December 12 th, the board members with expired terms were sworn in by President Lorie Neuman.L to R: Director-Jim Beckwith, Membership Sec.- Alice Raatz, Pres.-Lorie Neuman & Treasurer-Tammy Parsons.
Tammy Parsons Receives Edward Parker Award
 On December 12 th, Tammy Parsons was honored with the Edward E Parker Distinguished Member Award for her 29 years of ongoing commitment in the field of genealogy and to ICGS. Tammy’s name has been added to a plaque with all previous winners. Everyone enjoyed celebrating with a delicious cake. Congratulations, Tammy!
Tammy became a member in January 1996 when the society was just 6 months old and has been actively involved since that time. There have been many committees that she has served on or chaired, beginning with our first fundraiser, selling ICGS coffee mugs, and continues with being the auctioneer at the annual Holiday White Elephant auction, 50-50 ticket salesperson, all of which bring much needed funds to our society.
Tammy has served on several nominating committees, worked on Down Home Days & Spring Fling including set up and take down. She worked many months in planning the ICGS 10th anniversary dinner party included creating a DVD of the 10-year history of ICGS and solicitating prizes from local merchants so that all 50+ attendees received a prize.
Seeing a need for a handbook for each officer, Tammy created individual policy books for each of the board members.
Tammy has been a vendor and guest speaker for our Society and other, sharing her Creative Memories ways to preserve your family photos.
She has served as a delegate to the Michigan Genealogical Council for 20 years, Chaired the committee to update the bylaws whenever needed, is a valuable parliamentarian to keep meetings in order and compliant with ICGS bylaw and she is currently serving as ICGS Treasurer, keeping accurate records and working out a budget for each upcoming year.
Tammy has proven herself to be a valuable member of ICGS, and in recognition of her contributions, I present this award. Congratulations on this well-deserved award.
Michigan Genealogical Council Newsletter
The Michigan Genealogical Council Spring Newsletter is now available on the MGC website for you to read, download, or print. It contains lots of great information and articles.
Ingham County Historical Commission Request
Commission members have been able to identify all but four of the photographs taken by Rev. Charles Brooks in his travels under Rural Bible Missions, Inc. as he visited various Ingham County schools circa 1945. The four remaining unidentified schools are pictured below.
If you know or even think you might know which schools any of these four might have been, please contact either Audrey Martini or Jacob McCormick.
Until a permanent home can be found for our 20 year collection of Ingham County focused genealogical resources, the collection will be housed in a temporary trailer located at 2222 Catholic Church Road, Stockbridge (Bunkerhill Township). Research will be by appointment only. Contact the ICGS librarian for additional information or to make an appointment.
To complement the physical resources, volunteers have been adding an array of indexes as well as additonal records to the various databases available on this website. Two major efforts are currently underway. The first is to get the information from the 17,000 file cards that are an index to our miscellaneous/non-book records currently found in our ancestry charts, family file, subject and/or photograph, etc. files. The second is to glean obituary and death record information from the many scrapbooks in our collection and add the information to the Area Deaths database. If you would like to help with either of these efforts, please contact the ICGS librarian.
Another Ingham County area resource for genealogists researching Mason or the rural townships surrounding Mason is the Mason Area Historical Museum. Volunteers are currently cataloging the Museum's research holdings. A new exhibit showcases families that were pioneers to the area and who still have family living in the area. Two families are currently being featured. The Crowl-Schalow and the Wood families. The exhibits explain when the families first settled in the colonies and where their ancestors lived before arriving in Michigan and when they came into the Mason area.
MONTHLY MEETINGS: All are welcome to attend our monthly meetings held the second Thursday of the month (except January, June, and July) from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Meetings are held at the Sam Corey Senior Center, 2108 Cedar Street, Holt.
MEMBER ACCESS: Members must login to access their membership profile, contribute to the Surname list, access archived information and search our members-only information. Forget your password? Contact our Membership Secretary.
NON-MEMBER ACCESS: Non-members also benefit from the ICGS public databases, Index Files, and the Library card catalog. Become a member today to access even more files - for as low as $20
March 13
March Membership Meeting: "Reading Your Photographs"
Jeff Charnely,Emeritus Professor, Michigan State University, will do a presentation on dating photographs, and provide tips to help identify people in photographs.
April 10
April Membership Meeting
April 24
Executive Board Meeting
May 8
May Membership Meeting
Judy Nimer Munn, Specializes in Canadian and American Indian Ancestry.
July 24
Executive Board Meeting