Ingham County Genealogical Society

Indexed from Various Local Sources

The files contained under this umbrella are an assortment of primarily newspaper clipping from various local sources.  The information gleaned from these sources has been grouped by type including, but not limited to; birthday, anniversary, obituary and death notices, files on various subjects of interest to genealogists, and family files on a family rather than any one particular individual.  The larger files (obituary and death notices) are grouped by year, while others may only give the year of publication.
These files began to be collected while the Ingham County Genealgoical Society (ICGS) was still very young - long before the power of today's digital world.  While we plan on migrating the information into one or more on-line searchable databases as resources allow, in order to get this information out to the public quickly, we have opted to publish these files, as originally created with only a page reference to the 3-Ring binder that holds the original clipping/document. 
To obtain a copy of an Indexed File clipping/document the researcher can either visit the ICGS Library, by appointment, at 2224 Catholic Church Rd, Bunkerhill Township or our  ICGS Store When ordering from our store, be sure to include the full name, year and page of the notice you are requesting.    
All information contained in these index files is the property of ICGS and may not be reproduced in any format printed or electronic for distribution or sale without the permission of ICGS.